Monday, January 28, 2008

Dinesh D'Souza

What author/speaker is praised by geneticists, evangelical pastors and atheists? The answer is Dinesh D'Souza:

“Responding to the current epidemic of atheist manifestos, Dinesh D’Souza applies just the right balm for the troubled soul. Assembling arguments from history, philosophy, theology, and science—yes, science!—he builds a modern and compelling case for faith in a loving God. If you’re seeking the truth about God, the universe, and the meaning of life, this is a great place to look.”
— Francis Collins, director of The Human Genome Institute
“With scholarship and eloquence that reminds me of C. S. Lewis, Dinesh D’Souza addresses the urgent questions of our time, such as ‘Is Christianity believable in the face of the discoveries of modern science and modern scholarship?’ His answer is a resounding yes. More than a decisive refutation of atheist attacks, this is a powerful, affirming, genuinely exciting argument for Christianity. You may want to carry this one around with you.”
— Reverend Robert H. Schuller
“As an unbeliever, I passionately disagree with Dinesh D’Souza on some of his positions. But he is a first-rate scholar whom I feel absolutely compelled to read. His thorough research and elegant prose have elevated him into the top ranks of those who champion liberty and individual responsibility. Now he adds Christianity to his formula for the good society, and although non-Christians and non-theists may disagree with some of his arguments, we ignore him at our peril. D’Souza’s book takes the debate to a new level. Read it.”
— Michael Shermer, Publisher of Skeptic magazine

If you have not read his books or articles yet, or watched some of his debates with leading atheists of today, I highly recommend them. He has posted video of the debates on his blog. There's a link to his blog in my "Blogs I read" section.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm still making my way through the debate. I really like it, thanks