Sunday, December 30, 2007

ABCs of 2007

Here's a brief rundown of some highlights for the Hood family in 2007:

A - Alcatraz Island Tour in December, Awana Ministry (Andy & Westin are the Game Directors; Stephanie & Susie are theStore Managers).

B - Blogging for Stephanie, Bicycling for Andy, Bowling for Westin, Babysitting for Susie.

C - Cindy, our orange & black tortie cat.

D - Day 7, South Hills Community Church Youth Group.

E - Exercising more regularly at Right Stuff.

F - Families' Annual Snow Trip to Pinecrest in February with 10 other families.

G - Grandma & Grandpa Brown lived with us for 3 months while Grandma recovered from knee replacement surgery.

H - Homeschooling high schoolers! 4H Projects include Hiking, Scrapbooking, and Candy-Making.

I - IBM, Andy completed his tenth year as an IBM employee.

J - Jazmine the Light Brahma, our first hen, had to find a new home. She couldn't defend herself against the hen-pecking of our Barred Rock, Chloe.

K - Kansas, our Golden Seabright bantam hen, is practicing with Susie for the Hollister Poultry Show this Saturday.

L - Libraries, we love them!

M - Mount Madonna Camping Trip in August with friends, Math class co-op, Mystery Spot tour in January.

N - New chicks to raise and add to the coop in the backyard which Andy & the kids built during the summer.

O - October Trip to Disneyworld Florida. An exhausting week of total family fun and togetherness!

P - Piano lessons continue for Westin.

Q - Quinton and Michelle (Stephanie's bro & sis) spend Christmas Eve & Christmas Day with us.

R - Riflery 4H Project. Westin earns Junior Marksmanship pin. River Raft Float Trip with AWL Homeschooled teens group in June.

S - Shakespeare plays: Shady Shakes's Macbeth, SF Shake's Midsummer Nights Dream, Theatreworks's Twelfth Night.

T - Towncats Shelter, where Susie volunteers every Saturday for adoption day. She also cares for the cats 3 days per week at Petco who are awaiting a new home.

U - Using our resources, gifts, and talents to serve others.

V - Victory Sports League, a weekly homeschooled recreation co-op.

W - Westin turned 16; Susie turned 13.

X - Xmas presents included a Yamaha keyboard for Westin, a Yamaha guitar for Susie, Mythbusters DVDs for Andy, and a Farberware knifeset for me. My sister Michelle also gave me an ipod shuffle!

Y - Yellow Rock & Rollers is the Youth Square Dance club we dance with every Friday Night.

Z - Zucchini, green beans, peas, lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes from our garden...Yum!

Happy New Year Everyone!!


Stephanie said...

I liked your ABCs...thanks for sharing that.

Anonymous said...

Very clever those A-Zs! You had a fun and full year.